⚠️ We would like to advise all worshippers that there is a sewage backup at the church overnight and we are trying to fix the issue. At present, washrooms are not available for use and the church will make livestreams available for the English and Cantonese worship service.

👉 Click here for worship live stream.

Our Worship Services

Our Worship Services

We believe we were made for relationship with God and with each other. Our Sunday worship services are our primary gathering points of the Good Shepherd church community. We gather to encounter God, and do so in community. Our Sunday Services are offered in English, Cantonese, and Mandarin.

By worshipping together on Sunday, we begin our week by directing our hearts and minds towards God. We respond to God’s love and the initiative Jesus took to know us.

Our Sunday service upholds the values of Ancient-Future worship. We stand upon the rich historic Christian tradition, while engaging our contemporary world. Together we pray the ancient prayers of the church, we engage God’s Word, and we sing songs of praise.

Come join our weekly rhythm of Sunday worship, you will be blessed!

* Nursery room, Sunday School classes & Children service are provided concurrently.

English Service 

9:00 am
Morning Prayer or Holy Communion

Cantonese Service

11:00 am
Praise & Worship or Holy Communion

Mandarin Service

11:00 am
In the Chapel