⚠️ We would like to advise all worshippers that there is a sewage backup at the church overnight and we are trying to fix the issue. At present, washrooms are not available for use and the church will make livestreams available for the English and Cantonese worship service.

👉 Click here for worship live stream.

House Groups & Fellowships

House Groups & Fellowships

Beyond our Sunday worship gathering, Good Shepherd Vancouver has deeper connection points through our house groups and fellowships. These smaller groups provide opportunities to build friendship and enter into community in a more intimate setting. Groups meet regularly to study the Bible and provide a safe space to share life’s burdens and joys. 

Here are our English-speaking house groups and fellowship groups:

GIFT Fellowship

Monday Nights @ 8 pm

English Career Group

Every other Tuesday @ 7 pm

Young Adult Fellowship

Sunday Mornings @ 11 am

We have other English house groups that gather at different times and locations, talk to us and we can pair you up with a group.

We also have fellowships and house groups run in Cantonese and Mandarin, please talk to us to learn more.