⚠️ We would like to advise all worshippers that there is a sewage backup at the church overnight and we are trying to fix the issue. At present, washrooms are not available for use and the church will make livestreams available for the English and Cantonese worship service.

👉 Click here for worship live stream.
金句: 彼得、約翰說:「聽從你們,不聽從上帝,這在上帝面前合理不合理,你們自己酌量吧!我們所看見所聽見的,不能不說。」(19-20節) (彼得、約翰祈禱說):「他們恐嚇我們,現在求主監察,一面叫你僕人大放膽量講你的道,一面伸出你的手來醫治疾病,並使神蹟奇事因着你聖僕耶穌的名行出來。」(29-30節)