⚠️ We would like to advise all worshippers that there is a sewage backup at the church overnight and we are trying to fix the issue. At present, washrooms are not available for use and the church will make livestreams available for the English and Cantonese worship service.

👉 Click here for worship live stream.
金句: 「王啊,他也必救我們脫離你的手;即或不然,王啊,你當知道我們決不侍奉你的神,也不敬拜你所立的金像。」(vv.17b-18)  王說:「看哪,我見有四個人,並沒有捆綁,在火中遊行,也沒有受傷;那第四個的相貌好像神子。」(v.25)